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Easy Toddler Breakfast Ideas

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Breakfast ideas for toddlers that are easy and healthy. Pre-made, frozen, or microwaved easy toddler breakfast ideas for busy moms!

Most mornings I have about 20-30 minutes to get my one-year-old up, fed, an ready for daycare. Some days he takes about 20 minutes just to eat breakfast so time is of the essence!

Even on days I have a bit more time, he normally wakes up hungry and ready for breakfast so I need something I can prepare quickly.

Teaching him to like a wide variety of foods and eat healthy are some of my top priorities, but it is sometimes hard to squeeze in a healthy breakfast into our morning routine. Read more about our 1-year old feeding schedule here: 1-Year old Sample Schedule

I also want to point out that it took months and months of exposure for my son to eat and enjoy all of the foods listed below. Particularly anything to do with bread or eggs. So if these ideas seemed far-fetched, remember that constant and frequent exposure to new foods is key!

I do tend to feed him connivence foods for breakfast; frozen, pre-made, or things that do not need to be cooked or can be cooked quickly. But, I have found some easy toddler breakfast foods that are both quick to make and healthy.

I also always pair his breakfast food with fresh fruit to make it a more well-rounded meal.

Here are our favorite easy toddler breakfast ideas:

French Toast

French toast is so easy to make ahead of time and store in the frigde. In a pinch, i’ve also whipped up a few pieces in just a few minutes before getting him up in the morning if I have some time to spare.

For those who aren’t familiar with making french toast, you can likely do an internet search and find thousands of recipes!

French toast is basically 2-4 standard ingredients.

  • Bread (we like whole wheat)
  • Eggs (try to buy organic, cage-free eggs if you can)
  • Milk (optional)
  • Cinnamon (optional, but tasty!)

Whip your eggs and add milk & cinnamon if desired. Dip your bread in the egg mixture and immediately place on a hot griddle. Cook a few minutes on each side until cooked through.

We normally make french toast on the weekend and keep the left-overs in the fridge. We microwave one piece for about 30 seconds until warm throughout and normally don’t add any topping or spread.

Easy Toddler Meal Idea - Cinnamon french toast w/ bananas and yogurt
Cinnamon french toast w/ bananas and yogurt

Frozen Waffles

Frozen waffles are another one of our go-to easy toddler breakfast ideas. Keep in mind that all frozen waffles are not made the same. Be sure to read the ingredient list and nutritional information.

Blueberry/berry waffles seem to be his favorite. I highly recommend the Kashi brand for their clean-ingredient waffles. My son’s favorite are their 7-Grain Blueberry Waffles & Gluten Free Berry Bliss Waffles

Pop one of these in the toaster and it will be done in about 1-2 minutes.

We normally don’t add any toppings, but for picky eaters you can add a thin layer apple sauce or even baby food puree on top. We actually had to do this in the beginning to expose him to waffles as he wouldn’t eat them at first.

Easy Toddler Meal Idea - Kashi Berry Bliss Waffle & Banana
Kashi Berry Bliss Waffle & Banana

Avocado Toast

Avocado toast is one of my son’s favorite meals! He regularly east “avocado sandwiches” for lunch, which is essentially smashed avocado on un-toasted bread. He can also eat a whole avocado in one sitting!

Avocado toast can be made on toasted or un-toasted bread. We like to choose a whole wheat/whole grain bread when possible. It only takes a few minutes to cut up some avocado to spread on top (you only need about 1/8-1/4 of an avocado).

Easy Toddler Meal Idea - Avocado toast & banana
Avocado toast & banana

Scrambled Eggs

For a super quick breakfast idea we just started to do microwaved scrambled eggs. Scramble your egg in a microwave-safe bowl and then microwave 60 seconds until cooked.

My son has not been a huge fan of eggs. Its taken him nearly 7 months of exposure to finally eat any type of egg. Right now we sprinkle with cheese since he loves cheese.

Below is actually a picture of some eggs I made him for dinner one night – our weekday breakfasts are normally not as elaborate 🙂

Easy Toddler Meal Idea  - Cheesy eggs, hash browns, toast & raspberries
Cheesy eggs, hash browns, toast & raspberries

Spinach Muffins

My son loves the Inspiralized spinach, banana & oat mini muffins. Credit link & full recipe here:

I adapted this recipe by baking it in a mini muffin tin instead of a donut pan and cook them for about 13-14 minutes. The ingredients are so clean and my son can eat 4-6 of these mini muffins in one sitting. Definitely a hit in our house!

I normally make these on the weekend or evening after he goes to bed. I store them in the fridge and just serve them cold.

Mini spinach muffins, kiwi, cheese
Mini spinach muffins, kiwi, cheese

Sweet Potato Pancakes

As mentioned in my posts about 1-year old meal ideas, my son loves Golden brand Zucchini & Spinach pancakes. I recently found out they also make sweet potato pancakes and think these are great for breakfast!

They aren’t really “pancakes” as they aren’t cake-like and are mostly veggies, but he doesn’t care one bit! These pancakes just have 8 simple ingredients: Sweet potatoes, wheat flour, canola oil, pineapple, egg whites, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg.

It isn’t specified on the package instructions, but I normally microwave 1 minute until hot throughout.

Sweet potato pancake & bananas


Yogurt is another great convince food that is quick and easy for breakfast.

We like to buy whole-milk yogurt for our son and always compare the sugar content to try and find the lowest added sugar.

Yogurt is a great source of probiotics, calcium, and healthy fat. Organic Valley Grassmilk Kids yogurt is one of our favorite brands for him right now and he LOVES it!

Fruit & Veggies

As previously mentioned, I always pair my son’s breakfast with fresh fruit and sometimes a veggie if I can squeeze it in. Below is not an all-inclusive list, but show some of our go-to’s specifically for breakfast.

  • Bananas
  • Watermelon
  • Raspberries
  • Blueberries (smooshed)
  • Strawberries
  • Grapes (quartered)
  • Mandarin Oranges
  • Kiwi
  • Canned pears or peaches
  • Butternut squash
  • Sweet potato
  • Diced Avocado

Thanks for stopping by!

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