Showing: 1 - 10 of 11 RESULTS

Summer Schedule for Toddlers

I’m a mom of three sharing our summer routine and schedule for my toddlers and preschooler. I’m a fan of schedules and routines in general (they keep me from becoming a total hot mess) and find that in the summer time we generally have to adjust and tweak our schedule a little bit to account for more time outside and all the fun things that summer brings.

A Stay At Home Mom’s Morning Routine with Kids

I’ve often been asked about our morning routine with kids and what that looks like as a stay-at-home (really, work-at-home) mom of three. Are you tired of the chaos the mornings bring? Wondering how can you have a better morning with kids? Hoping to find motivation for your morning as a stay at home mom? …

Easy Toddler Bedtime Routine

Our easy toddler bedtime routine that helps our toddlers settle down at night and go to sleep quickly and without a fight. Most people (adults and children alike) thrive on routine because it helps your brain know what to expect each day and what’s coming next. A bedtime routine is no different and can help …

Ultimate 1 Nap Toddler Schedule

The ultimate feeding and nap schedule with one daytime nap. Sample hour-by-hour schedule that is great for babies over 1 year old. I’m a mom of two and am sharing our ultimate 1 nap schedule that has worked great for both of my kids. There seems to be a sweet spot for when to give …

Realistic 2 Year Old Daily Schedule

A realistic 2 year old schedule including meal times, screen time, and indoor/outdoor play times. Sticking to a schedule can help toddlers know what to expect each day and prevent melt downs from being hungry or overtired. I’m a mom of two and am sharing the schedule that my two year old follows most days. …

Newborn and Toddler Schedule

The perfect schedule for a newborn and a toddler. I’m sharing our daily routine with a newborn and a toddler and how to align their naps and feeding times. Life with two under two can be difficult, to say the least. One way to make it a little easier is to have a daily routine …

10 Month Old Schedule

Sample 10 month baby schedule and routine. This is the eat, wake, sleep babywise schedule and routine we follow with my 10 month old (8-12 months). It took 10 months, but Corbin has finally learned to love his naps. All babies are different so don’t worry if yours hasn’t yet. With consistent scheduliing you will …