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15 Diaper Bag Essentials

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Must haves for your diaper bag and diaper bag essentials for the first year. Make sure to pack these products so you are always prepared on the go!

Packing a diaper bag is an art form these days!

There are so many items that you need to remember, yet your bag is only so big.

I’ve compiled my list of diaper bag essentials so that you can get a sneak peak of what I bring along with me in my diaper bag.

These are the 15 diaper bag essentials that I always have in my diaper bag!

Update: since writing this post I got a new diaper bag that I absolutely love! Check out my diaper bag review: Iniuniu Diaper Bag Backpack Review

1. Diapers

The #1 diaper bag essential! It is called a DIAPER bag for a reason.

Always keep a few diapers in your diaper bag and restock regularly. I tend to keep 3-4 diapers in my diaper bag at all times and bring a few extra if I know we will be gone for a long time.

No one wants to be out and about when baby gets a dirty diaper and be out of clean ones.

2. Wipes

Like diapers, make sure you keep wipes stocked in your diaper bag at all times.

They make handy portable wipes dispenser (like this) if you don’t want to drag along your XL pack of wipes. Or you can buy smaller packs that are more portable. Just be sure you don’t run out!

3. Portable Changing Pad

It will happen eventually! You are out and about and there is no changing table in site.

You will want to make sure you have a portable changing pad so that you can have a place to lay our baby when you change their diaper.

I always set mine on the changing table in public bathrooms, since you never know how clean it really is.

Many diaper bags come with a changing pad, so you may already have this!

4. Burp Cloths

You can never have too many! Great for cleaning up spit up, snot, spilled milk, or any mess really!

5. Extra Bibs

Extra bibs are another diaper bag essential. I like to keep both bandana bibs and waterproof/silicone ones for eating solids.

We use banana bibs for bottle feeding and for drooling when baby is teething.

My favorites are the ones with a teether built in (These Nuby Bibs). Also, if your baby is eating baby food or solids you will want to pack a bib you can use for feeding.

6. Boogie Wipes

These wipes are a life saver.

My son constantly has a runny nose in the winter and these wipes are so soft and easy to clean his nose. The saline keeps the wet and make it easy to remove dried boogers (yuck!)

We keep a pack near his diaper changing station at home, one at daycare and one in the diaper bag at all times. Check out my post on what you need at your diaper changing station!

7. Formula Dispenser

Another one of my favorite baby gadgets.

A formula dispenser makes it easy to bottle feed on-the-go.

I use one like this and keep it filled with pre-measured formula that I can easily add to pre-measured bottles filled with water.

I keep the formula in my diaper bag at all times, but add bottles with fresh water as needed.

8. Travel Feeding Spoons

These travel spoons are some of my favorite feeding tools.

They quickly screw on to pouches of baby food and make it easy to feed baby when you are out and about.

The Infantino spoons even have a handy travel case so that they stay clean and don’t get lost in your diaper bag! Read more about my favorite feeding products here.

9. Pacifier w/ clip

You can never have enough pacifiers! I keep one with a  clip in the diaper bag so that when baby gets fussy or needs to take a nap in the car, the pacifier is ready to go.

10. Teething toys

Teething toys (these are my son’s favorites) are a great thing to keep in your diaper bag.

When baby gets fussy or needs something to chew on at a restaurant or out shopping, I am glad I have some in our bag.

I also keep a teething toy on a pacifier clip so that it doesn’t get lost! Read more about our favorite teethers here!

11. Toy with clip

Like teething toys, it’s also a good idea to keep a toy or two in your diaper bag to entertain baby. I like to bring ones that have a clip so that I can attach it to the shopping cart or high chair so it doesn’t get thrown on the ground.

12. Booties or Socks

Especially during the winter, it is a good idea to keep extra socks or booties (my favorite Hudson booties) in your diaper bag.

It seems like my son always loses his socks at daycare or pulls them off in the car.

It’s great to have an extra pair, in case we need to run errands after school. Also, if we forget to wear shoes when leaving the house (he is not walking yet, so shoes are rare!) it’s great to have booties to strap on when it cools down.

Hudson Baby Baby Cozy Fleece Booties with Non Skid Bottom, Heather Gray, 18-24 Months

13.   Hat

It seems like I always overestimate the temperature when leaving the house. Or we stay out later than expected and it starts to get chilly at night. It’s a great idea to keep a warm hat in your diaper bag for these situations!

14.   Extra Outfit

Poop happens! Extra clothes are a must. Remember to replace your extra outfit as your baby grows and the seasons change.

15.   Hand Sanitizer

I added hand sanitizer to my diaper bag right after baby was born. Especially if you are going to prepare a bottle or hand your baby snacks, hand sanitizer is a must.

16.   Add as needed

Finally, somethings that I don’t keep in my diaper bag all the time, but add as needed: baby food, bottles with pre-measured water, sippy cup with water, water bottle for mom.

Thanks for stopping by!

15 diaper bag essentials for the first year

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