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SAHM Monday Morning Routine

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I’ve been sharing this morning on Instagram about how to have a productive SAHM Monday morning routine and I wanted to take a minute to right it down on the blog, too!

Are you looking for an easy SAHM Monday morning routine? Want help with SAHM motivation? This post can help! Here is my three step SAHM Monday morning routine to help start the week off on the right foot.

If you’re new here, I’m Jessica! A former working mom turned SAHM mom of three. I love sharing my passion for motherhood and easy toddler meal ideas. You can find motherhood encouragement, relatable mom life, and tons of meal ideas from babies, to toddlers, to little kids and the whole family.

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Get Up Before Your Kids

This is honestly a hard one for me! So if you are struggling to get up before your kids, I feel you!

I am not a morning person these days and feel like I am most productive at night after my kids go to bed. I tend to get a second wind around 9pm every night and find myself working on my computer, doing the laundry, or meal planning and ordering groceries until 11-11:30 pm every night.

But, I assume if you are here reading this you are looking to have a more productive morning and are looking for a little encouragement, so here it is!

I have recently started getting up before my kids and it’s a total game changer for boosting my mood, having more patience, and being more productive throughout the day.

Start small if you need to! Right now I get up about 30-60 mins before my kids do and mostly use the time to drink coffee in peace and start to get ready.

Eventually one day I would love to work out or get work done on the computer. Some people may also want to use the time to read, journal, or spend time with their partner. You do you, but do something that brings you calm and joy.

If you choose just one day a week to get up before your kids, do it on a Monday! I’ve found that doing something (anything) on Monday helps encourage me to do it other days of the week too.

Read more (this post was written when I would wake up with my kids, but the rest of my morning is pretty similar): SAHM morning routine

Empty the Dishwasher In the Morning

My second tip for a productive Monday morning is to empty the dishwasher within the first hour or so.

I used to always put off emptying the dishwasher. Breakfast dishes would get stacked up and by the time lunch came around I was too busy so those lunch dishes would get stacked up, too.

Then the whole thing became too overwhelming and next thing you know i’m trying to cook dinner with a counter full of dishes, dinner dishes got stacked on top, and when I finally had time after the kids went to bed the whole dreadful process took me an hour or more.

So, dig deep for a little discipline and empty the dishwasher first thing in the morning! I like to do it while my kids eat breakfast and the baby is preoccupied; she loves to “help” unload the dishwasher, which can be a good learning opportunity, but also makes it much more difficult.

If you think you don’t have time, set your alarm for literally 5 minutes earlier to get it done. Skip scrolling Instagram and opt to empty the dishwasher instead. Let your hair air dry or put it in curlers while you empty the dishwasher. Anything to get it done!

If you start the day with an empty dishwasher it’s so much easier to do a quick rinse and load dishes as you use them. You will start the day feeling motivated and can use the momentum to stay on top of other cleaning or laundry. This is especially helpful on a Monday morning if you have laundry piled up or other clutter from the weekend.

Also, having a clean kitchen counter and kitchen sink can make you feel much less stressed! Emptying the dishwasher in the morning is a win-win-win!

Get Out of the House on Monday Mornings

I am a huge proponent for getting out of the house on Monday mornings, specifically! If you choose one day to run all your errands, go to the park, have a playdate, or do grocery pickup, do it on a Monday.

Why Monday? Being productive on Monday can help set the tone for your whole week.

If you start the week being productive, you will be more likely to sit down and plan things out for the rest of the week.

If you get all your groceries on a Monday you will be more likely to meal plan and less likely to overspend going out to eat or getting take out.

If your kids get out of the house and are happy on a Monday, you will have more energy and be more motivated to plan activities and outings the rest of the day and week, as well.

Read more on Why SAHMs Should Get out of the House Every Monday!

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