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Relatable Mom Life Quotes (from a mom of two)

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A list of relatable mom life quotes from a mom of two; what it’s really like to be a mom, motherhood quotes, and realistic quotes about motherhood and parenting.

Are you wondering what it’s really like to be a mom? Or looking for realistic mom life quotes? You’ve come to the right place! I’m a mom of two and am sharing a collection of all my mom thoughts and relatable mom quotes i’ve discovered to describe my everyday life.

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Motherhood Quote #1

Kids don't need a house full of things, they need a life full of experiences

Kids don’t need a house full of things, they need a life full of experiences – @pineconesandpacifiers

Motherhood Quote #2

Trading shots of tequila for shots of espresso; that's parenthood

Trading shots of tequila for shots of espresso; that’s parenthood – @pineconesandpacifiers

Relatable Motherhood Quote #3

Motherhood is squeezing your entire old life into the few hours your kids are napping

Motherhood is squeezing your entire old life into the few hours your kids are napping – @pineconesandpacifiers

Motherhood Quote #4

Boys: Less expensive than girls but harder to keep alive

Boys: less expensive than girls but harder to keep alive – @pineconesandpacifiers

Mom Life Quote #5

Parenthood isn't a sprint, its an 18-mile mud run through a hurricane

Parenthood isn’t a sprint, its an 18-mile mud run through a hurricane – @pineconesandpacifiers

Real Motherhood Quote #6

Reminder: Your kids don't need the perfect mom, they just need a present one

“Reminder: Your kids don’t need the perfect mom, they just need a present one”

Mom Life Quote #7

If you're worried about being a good mom it means you already are one

“If you’re worried about being a good mom it means you already are one”

Motherhood Quote #8

Motherhood is a battle between wanting personal space and never-ending cuddles

Motherhood is a battle between wanting personal space and never-ending cuddles – @pineconesandpacifiers

Relatable Mom Life Quote #9

Motherhood takes having your “hands full” to a whole new level – @pineconesandpacifiers

Motherhood Quote #10

Parenthood is cleaning the same house every single day and expecting different results – this is also the definition of crazy @pineconesandpacifiers

Mom Life Quote #11

If the perfect mom always has a clean house, then i'm as imperfect as they come

If the perfect mom always has a clean house, then i’m as imperfect as they come – @pineconesandpacifiers

Mom Life Quote #12

Sometimes the activity of the day is simply surviving until nap time

Sometimes the activity of the day is simply surviving until nap time – @pineconesnadpacifiers

Relatable Mom Life Quote #13

Motherhood: the hardest, but most rewarding job i've ever had

Motherhood: the hardest, but most rewarding job i’ve ever had – @pineconesandpacifiers

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